“Net-Zero? Yes, I’m keen; but what does this mean for my school?”

Earlier this month, Nigel held a session at the HMC/IAPS Enlightened Education conference in Edinburgh to discuss exactly this.

In his live poll, 69% of the attending Head Masters said they were interested in Net-Zero but had little grasp of what it meant for their school. If this is relatable, Nigel’s Keynote is guaranteed to bring you great value. You can watch it in full and access our latest case study below.

Keynote Overview Interview with Nigel Aylwin-Foster (2 min watch)


HMC/IAPS Enlightened Education Conference Keynote Presentation (1 hour)


St George’s College – A ReEnergise Case Study (4 min watch)

Now is the perfect time to get in touch with ReEnergise, evaluate your school’s current situation, and generate an Estate Decarbonisation Plan (EDP).

Contact us on [email protected]